Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Health


Coping with Life’s Problems: Islamic Perspectives

Taufik Mohammad God burdens no soul except within its capacity… (Al-Baqarah, 2:286) This verse is not strange to any Muslim. God has promised that He will...

Where Is the Virtual World Taking Human Relationships?

Onyeagolu Tochukwu Humanity is now facing one of its greatest ailments - and it threatens to overwhelm us. Though terminal diseases like AIDS, cancer, and...

Water Management and the Qur’an

Harun Avci Water is a unique blessing, given to all living beings. It needs to be used with balance, harmony, economy, and justice. Agriculture, industry,...

The philosophy of hunger in Islamic thought

Z. Hussein Before the holy month of Ramadhan arrives, several tips about diet are shared in order to keep the Muslims going whilst they are...


Salma Hasan Ali Last year, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. A routine mammogram led to a more in-depth one and then to a biopsy....

Alcohol and Socio-Medical Problems

Dr. Muhammed Ali Albar Alcohol has been used since antiquity for many purposes including real and imagined benefits: ‘As a social lubricant, aperitif and mild...

The Carrot: A Source of Healing

Selim Mutlu Arguably one of the most popular vegetables that we use in our kitchens is carrots. With the exception of its well known benefits...

Sources of Happiness

Salih Uslu Happiness is a subjective concept that evades accurate definitions or objective measurements. Social scientists, philosophers, and ordinary people have different perspectives when they...

A True Understanding of Self for Self-Actualization

Zekeriya Ozsoy Psychologists have been using the concept of “self-actualization” to describe those who are immensely successful in realizing their potential (Maslow, 1943; Goldstein, 1934)....

Memory and Forgetfulness

Arslan Mayda Adam forgot, so did his children. How does our brain store information? How is it possible to make learning faster and easier? Is there...