Saturday, April 27, 2024


Sociological Principles of The Qur’an

Suat Yildirim Sociology is the study of events, trends and relationships in human societies. Through such study we learn the principles that societies are based...

Islam and Science

Y. Mermer We attain to that worship, in pan, by discovering through scientific inquiry the order in the book of the universe, its operative functions...

Racism : The destruction of humanity

L.A. Sayyed In the April 1992 issue of Scientific American, Allan C. Wilson and Rebecca L. Cann published a study of DNA samples taken from...

Islamic Perpective on Knowledge and Learning

M.H Kayani Progress in knowledge and technology may be likened to the widening ripples caused by a pebble thrown in a pool of water. All...

36 Million Canadian Identities

Umar Farooqi When I walk down the hallways of my high school I see the graduation pictures of students from many years ago. My eyes...

Living in a Post-Truth World

Muneeb Nasir The moral compass of our world is being undermined by an emerging post-truth and fake news culture. Post-truth has been chosen by Oxford Dictionaries...

Turkish Cooking Club in a Kitchener Downtown Church

Tiina Cote Minister, Trinity United, Downtown Kitchener While the world at large focuses on the dark ripples of violence bouncing from one nation to the next,...

Ramadan A Time To Enhance Spirituality For Local Muslims

Cory Knutt During the Islamic holy month, Muslims will fast each day from dawn until sunset. Many Muslims will break fast at sunset together in...

Meeting with Mufti AbdulHamid Patel CBE: Rethink Islamic Schools paradigm

Habeeb Alli Chaplain Not always I get a chance to meet some thinkers of the 21st century, whose philosophy are rooted in my alma mater of...

My experience of talking about mental health in a Muslim community

Habiba Khanum I have always struggled to talk to my family about my mental health problems openly because I was scared I would not get...